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Online Dog Training Courses


Please read before purchasing any programs: 

All dogs participating in a fitness or conditioning program should be cleared by a veterinarian first.

This is for your dog's safety as some exercises and activities may not be appropriate for dogs with certain chronic conditions.

Canine Fitness and Conditioning is NOT a substitute for veterinary care, rehab or poor handling choices. If your dog has a current injury, please see a veterinarian/rehab specialist for an appropriate recovery program.

You will be asked to verify that your dog is sound when purchasing your program.

Benefits of Training Online with Paragon Pups:

Online Dog Training Courses at Paragon Pups include:

A video library of canine training videos

Learn new handling and fitness techniques for each exercise.

Videos demonstrate proper form, prop set up and reward placement

troubleshooting tips to help you and your dog succeed.

Each plan includes a mixture of body awareness, strength,

balance/stability, flexibility and cardio activities for you to do with your dog.

Choose something sports specific, like conformation or agility,

Age appropriate, like a senior or puppy plan, 

Start your dog on their AKC Fit Dog titles, 

Try a short course in cavalettis or tricks!

Enroll in the FREE Intro plan to try it out,

Try the Personalized Canine Conditioning Plan for an

assessment, hand picked exercises to overcome your dog's weakness,

and a fitness circuit that fits your training schedule.

Work at your own pace.

Watch a tutorial, try it out, record it and sent it in!

 Or you can schedule a live Zoom call!

I will provide feedback on every video you send and answer all your questions.

If you're local to the Springfield, MO area,

click the button below

to check out our in-person live class offerings

before choosing an online plan.

Our online classes are designed to be flexible

and fit into your schedule, train your dog whenever it’s convenient for you.

*Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page for important information.

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