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A white poodle strutting in the conformation show ring

Conditioning for Conformation: Core & Cavalettis


This course is all about Conditioning for Conformation! We focus on giving your dog a sexy strut in the breed ring, self stacking and a tone topline. We use Cavalettis for your dog's down and back. Cavalettis are great for improving your dog's balance, front and rear paw awareness, stride length, trot and coordination. I'll show you how to use front and rear foot targeting to get the perfect stack. After that it's just a matter of building your Pup's postural muscles. Position changes strengthen your dog's core to keep that tone topline. Students learn to teach their dog proper form in a square sit, stand, down and how to transition between each position with correct movement. This tones their shoulders, abs, spine and hips. This course is designed for owners with conformation show dogs, most exercises are at beginner or novice level, but there are some "next level" challenges for position changes. You'll have access to a private library of tutorials, demos, detailed written and verbal explanations and troubleshooting tips to guide you through each exercise. A Certified Canine Athlete Specialist will guide you through each set up, helping you and your dog achieve peak performance. Get your dog, treats, and your cavaletti set ready! If you or your dog struggle with an exercise, please send me a video so I can help you. If your dog is doing really well, I want to see that too! Please purchase a cavaletti set using the link from my Paws to Performance: Part 1 blog post, if you don't already have one. Cavaletti sets can also be DIY.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app






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